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Daily Caller by Bob Barr President Joe Biden is 79. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is 81. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is 79, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, at …
Townhall by Bob Barr Neither California nor California-based judges miss an opportunity to display their anti-Second Amendment bias, most recently in a pair of federal court rulings upholding the state’s …
Daily Caller by Bob Barr It is a metal that floats in water. It sparkles a beautiful red color when ignited. It is found in abundance in sea water and …
Townhall by Bob Barr “The whole aim of practical politics,” H.L. Mencken famously quipped in the 1920’s, “is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to …
Daily Caller by Bob Barr Most Americans believe that if they have been seriously harmed by actions of the federal government, they are at least entitled to bring their claim …
Townhall by Bob Barr A bureaucrat with an ego and an authoritarian streak is bad. A bureaucrat with these traits and a Chicken Little complex is downright dangerous, as we …