By Bob Barr
Sen. Elizabeth Warren declared at a campaign event last
fall that for a person to be considered as her Secretary of Education if she
were to be elected President, that candidate first would have to be
interviewed and approved by a nine-year old transgendered student.
Notwithstanding the sheer lunacy of such a declaration (made by the candidate
with a straight face and to a round of applause from her audience), it got me
thinking – applying such selection criteria to other positions, what might a
Warren cabinet look like?
- For the post of
attorney general, the candidate would be vetted by a panel of convicted
felons. This would help guarantee President Warren’s “top cop” would
possess extensive, first-hand knowledge of how the federal penal system
operates. It also would essentially guarantee we would have an attorney
general whose dislike for law enforcement would fit the mold that seems to
be the litmus test for Democrat Party candidates – supporting prosecutors
who see the police rather than criminals as the bad guys.
- Secretary of state
candidates would have to pass muster by a panel limited to citizens of
other countries — preferably countries whose leaders despise the United
States and share the Obama administration’s “America last” world view.
Advocates of this philosophy adhere to the mindset of today’s Democrat
Party, which is that every serious problem facing the world in the 21st
century has been caused by the United States.
- The only candidates who
could be considered by Warren’s transition team for the post of secretary
of commerce would be individuals who previously worked for the federal
minimum hourly wage. For far too long, secretaries of commerce have been
people who have demonstrated success in the commercial sector. Many of
these pre-Warren administration cabinet officials entered the office as
“multi-millionaires” who, in Warren’s opinion, achieved that status only
by climbing on the backs of hourly workers and gaming the system rather
than through hard work.
- For treasury secretary,
Warren certainly would select someone whose understanding of economics
reflects her own minimal knowledge in that field. The transition team
panel interviewing for this cabinet post would consist of men and women
who reflexively reject any market-based economic model. The field of
candidates for this post would be limited to individuals who promise to
implement only economic policies reflecting the deeply socialist economic
principles espoused by Warren and her senatorial colleague Bernie Sanders.
The panel interviewing candidates for this post likely would include a
Venezuelan economist and a student who failed Economics 101.
- The panel for the post of defense secretary in a Warren administration would include former President Jimmy Carter’s daughter Amy (who famously tutored him on nuclear policy just prior to a debate with then-Republican nominee Ronald Reagan in 1980), former Democrat presidential nominee Michael Dukakis (remembered for his knowledge of how to drive a tank) and a representative of the pacifist Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
- For secretary of the
interior, no panel or interview would be needed. Greta Thunberg would be
Warren’s obvious choice from day one.
- Considering the
importance of “Medicare for All” as a cornerstone of her presidential
campaign, Warren’s panel before which candidates for secretary of health
and human services would be vetted would almost certainly include Stanford
University School of Medicine research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford
(of anti-Kavanaugh fame), the Right Honorable Matt Hancock — who serves as
Britain’s secretary of state for health and social care, and the Honorable
Patty Hajdu, who, as Canada’s minister of health, is responsible for our
northern neighbor’s universal Medicare system (which drives so many
patients to the United States for medical care).
- While there are many more cabinet-level posts which a President-elect Elizabeth Warren would need to fill, no potential list would be complete without noting the panel to which she assuredly would turn to choose a director of the CIA – Rep. Adam Schiff, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and the so-called Ukraine “whistleblower” (who would, of course, remain anonymous in order to preserve his or her sanctified status).
Bob Barr represented Georgia’s 7th District in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003. He now serves as President of the Law Enforcement Education Foundation based in Atlanta, Georgia.