by Bob Barr
To assist in its drive to demean American culture and history, the Biden administration has turned to the United Nations. Last week Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony “Tony” Blinken, actually invited the U. N. to come to America to study how racist and violative of human rights the United States is.
This study will be conducted under the leadership of former socialist Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, who now serves as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. She will be aided in this effort by the U. N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC), a 117-member subsidiary of the United Nations with a history of anti-U.S. bias such that former President Trump in 2018 rescinded our country’s membership in the organization. Biden reversed that decision on Feb. 8, shortly after deciding to rejoin both the Paris Agreement and the World Health Organization.
Among the nations that will now sit in judgment on our country’s human rights record are such human rights luminaries as China, Cuba, Russia and Venezuela.
Biden always has held the U. N. in high esteem, with its massive bureaucracy headquartered on the banks of the East River in Manhattan that sits on real estate donated by the Rockefeller family seven decades ago. Despite many of the United Nations’ previous so-called “peace keeping” missions having themselves been plagued by serious human rights violations, Biden and Blinken obviously consider the international body an appropriate judge of U.S. culture and history.
Now, five months after we formally rejoined the UNHRC, one of its top officials, known as “rapporteurs,” will be among those studying and passing judgment on the systemic racism and human rights abuses this administration sees as a driving force behind virtually every aspect of our nation’s culture and public policy history.
Specifically, Rapporteur E. Tendayi Achiume, a left-wing law professor at UCLA in Los Angeles, will be one of those leading the effort to uncover “contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance” in the United States. Ms. Achiume has written and spoken widely on the prevalence of racism and racial injustice around the world and within the United States.
In an interview last September, for example, Prof. Achiume opined that “Black and brown communities” in the United States “are still [being] terrorized” by the police. She is among the most extreme of open border advocates, writing in 2019 that “First World” nations such as the United States, “have no right to exclude Third World migrants.” Given her background and that of the UNHRC generally, it is a foregone conclusion that the study Blinken has authorized will “discover” exactly what they are looking for – “racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”
All this will support the multi-faceted effort already well-underway by the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense and other components of the federal government to hunt down and destroy “white extremism,” considered by this administration to infect virtually everything with which it disagrees. Adding the State Department and the United Nations to this conglomerate of domestic government agencies rounds out the administration’s team which it hopes will ensure that the Democrats retain their grip on power not only through next year’s midterm election, but far beyond.
Inviting the United Nations into our country so it can tell us how to “confront the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, and xenophobia,” and in addition to propose “a wide range of reparations measures,” is demeaning and an affront to our sovereignty and national dignity.
Biden and Blinken may actually believe that their decision inviting the UNHRC to study and judge America’s record of “racism” and “human rights violations” will encourage other nations, including those like China that systemically and regularly do violate human rights, to follow Washington’s lead and admit of their own shortcomings. If they do actually believe this will happen, both Biden and Blinken are possessed of a naivete that is not only laughable, but dangerous.
Bob Barr represented Georgia’s Seventh District in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003. He served as the United States Attorney in Atlanta from 1986 to 1990 and was an official with the CIA in the 1970s. He now practices law in Atlanta, Georgia and serves as head of Liberty Guard.