NEWS RELEASE: Barr Blasts FBI Decision To Pass On Hillary Clinton

by lgadmin


Former U.S. Attorney Finds FBI Statement Naïve and Passive
Bob Barr, Chairman of Liberty Guard and former member of Congress (GA-7, 1995-2003), issued the following statement in response to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s decision today to not pursue any charges against Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information while Secretary of State (the so-called “E-mail Scandal”):


“The decision by the FBI to give Hillary Clinton a complete ‘pass’ on the E-mail Scandal involving mishandling of classified national security information while she was Secretary of State, is disappointing and illustrative of a federal Department of Justice that values passivity over holding high government officials accountable and to the same standard of the law as applies to the average citizen.”
Barr said his conclusion was based on a review of the statement issued today by FBI Director James Comey; but also his analysis of information already made available publicly in the media. Barr’s background includes service as a federal prosecutor appointed by President Reagan, as well as service on the House Judiciary Committee and as a manager of the Senate impeachment trial of former President Bill Clinton.


Overall, Barr noted, “the FBI’s statement reflects a passivity and a troubling disinterest in holding the former Secretary of State and now the presumptive Democratic Party nominee for President, accountable for clear evidence of mishandling classified information.”


Barr noted further that the Bureau’s statement that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case” was inappropriate and wrong based on Barr’s experience as a federal prosecutor, and on the proper role of the FBI, “which is not to decide whether to prosecute a case but to simply present the evidence their investigation develops and turn it over to the Department of Justice to decide whether a prosecution is warranted.”


“While it may be true that many prosecutors would prefer not to aggressively pursue such a case, many skilled and well-seasoned federal prosecutors with whom I have worked would be very comfortable prosecuting a case given the evidence that the FBI has noted publicly,” Barr concluded; adding that the FBI’s statement passing on the case raises far more questions than it answers; answers which may very well now have to await a new Administration in January 2017; “one that cares more about holding officials accountable than about avoiding hard cases,” Liberty Guard President Steve Thomas added.


About Liberty Guard:

Formed in 2009 by Bob Barr, and supported by over 150,000 Americans across the country, Liberty Guard is dedicated to restoring and strengthening liberty against intrusions by government at all levels; including taking action against TSA privacy intrusions and ObamaCare. Liberty Guard remains committed to identifying and supporting policy, candidates, and causes which champion liberty and return our country to constitutional principles.


Steve Thomas


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